
Pentecostal Theological College provide opportunities for real-world learning. Throught the various projects in agribusiness and social equity



As an academic institution, we recognize the relevance of research. Currently, we are developing a team of proffessional staff who will engage the church and community in identifying their critical needs of the church. As much as, we have done it in the past, we are strengthening the capacity of the academic staff to undertake this dynamic project. The development of our new programs will be anchored on this sort of assessments and findings.



Pentecostal Theological College has designed some projects which are aimed at enhencing the wholistic ministry of the college. The farm has become an integral component which has streamlined the thinking of our students to biblical mandate that we take care of all that God has entrusted to human hands, Good stewardship, with practical exposure, student have learnt how to relate and deal with community issues by integrating Biblical approaches; especiaLly through internship trainings.



We are also training our students to live and promote servant leadersship in and outside classroom. PTC assigns students to undertake various activities which are aimed at promoting the hygiene and sanitation in the college. This includes cleaning walls, offices, compound etc. Students are also participating in cleaning and washing their own lecture rooms. With this, we have maintained a tidy and clean environment.


Enbenezer Farm

Ebenezer college farm is located in Namanyonyi Lower, Bumageni parish, Bungokho subcounty, Mbale District on 15 acres of fertile land site. It was officially lunched on 1st Nov 2011. Current Projects at Ebenezer include: Dairy project as the main project, Forestry project, Piggery project, Vegetable growing Project, Poultry project, and Banana plantation project. It acts as a training ground for both students and the community.

Future Plan

  • A big training and Research Institute in both crops and animals
  • Become the leading diary producer in Eastern Uganda

Football Team

God has blessed Pentecostal Theological College with students who are talented in different sports and games. we have three vibrant games at the college which are soccer, netball, and volleyball. Our soccer team is fully engaged in soccer matches with other institutions of higher learning in uganda

Construction Project

Staff House Construction

The staff quarters under construction
