Group photo of college governors

Historical Background

Pentecostal Theological College was established in 1968. At that time the training was in local languages to Pastors and other church workers. Since then, over 2000 Students have graduated and are active in church ministries in Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan and Kenya. In 1983 the college introduced a three-year diploma program in Bible and Theology as well as developed a team of highly qualified and committed Faculty members who are passionate
in empowering learners to reach their maximum potential and so we are known for this academic excellence in theological education and exercising transformational leadership skills in the field. In 2011, Pentecostal Theological College got licensed by NCHE, and also added two certificates i.e. Certificate in Church Ministries (CCM) and Certificate in Church Administration and Management (CAM). In 2014, Pentecostal Theological College opened the department of community transformation where five diploma programmes were accredited by National Council for Higher Education (NCHE). A government body mandated to License Higher Institutions in Uganda.

Our Vision

Godly Transformational Leaders changing Community


Produce Christ-like Leaders with life changing skills for church and community.


As Pentecostal Theological College, We Strive to:

  1. Develop Biblical Education that equips leaders with life-changing skills to become change agents.
  2. Equip Christian leaders to invest their God-given potential for effective church and community service.
  3. Train God-dependent leaders to be proactive critical thinkers who can apply skills that improve and impact the holistic needs of the community.
  4. To Design academic quality, research and excellent programs to prepare leaders to use various pastoral and entrepreneurial skills.
  5. Empower leaders to fulfill the great Commandment and Commission (Evangelism & Missions) in whatever role they are led through God’s direction.
  6. To foster a mentoring and coaching apprenticeship environment that promotes personal and community innovation.
  7. To identify and hire practitioners that are skillful and knowledgable who will advance the mission.

Core Values

Since it is often values, which bring people together to accomplish a task, Pentecostal Theological College holds on the following values:

  1. The supremacy of God revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Trinity)- We honor God by committing ourselves to the person and model of Jesus Christ
  2. Community Centeredness- Develop our talents together to reach our full potential and discern God’s missionary purpose for the global community.
  3. Community Centeredness- Develop our talents together to reach our full potential and discern God’s missionary purpose for the global community.
  4. Teamwork and Stewardship- Teamwork and stewardship is to pursue knowledge, cultivate character, deepen faith, together valuing every resource as an opportunity to
    equip for a Spirit-empowered life.
  5. Integrity and Accountability– Rise above the limitations and errors of the prevailing culture; and through honesty practice lifestyle of
  6. Leadership- strengthen the skills necessary for service, and communication of ideas for effective community leadership.
  7. Professionalism & Academic Excellence- Promoting academic and professionalism excellence that cultivates innovative, entrepreneurial
    and critical thinking, which translates into an integrated faith of accomplishments.

Ministry Outreach

As part of our Mission to touch and transforn nations with the love of Christ, Our Students
participate in ministry outreaches at the hospitals, churches, and crusades in the
different communities. We also engage the students for 2 months internship in different
Churches to demostrate the skills learnt in class.
